Praying Mantis / Insect Lore

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I don't know if I ever blogged about Insect Lore before but we really love to order from them , the kids love the campfire kids toys and last year we ordered the butterfly kit , they really loved that , I hope to do it again this year or next year , I will try to post about that when I find the pictures , I really need to organize my photos this summer , but this year we decided to try the praying mantis , even though the ones we kept died we still had fun watching them hatch out and releasing them . 

Job loves bugs :)

Leah picking flowers - she loves picking flowers so much !


Tadpoles To Frogs

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

This school year has been so much fun , we are now taking our summer break :) this year we decided to watch tadpoles turn into frogs , we bought our tadpoles , and they already had their back legs , but the lady at the garden center told me they were bullfrog tadpoles so it could take up to 2 years for them to turn into frogs , but it didn't take them long to become frogs and we had so much fun watching them , the kids named them Tad and Poe :) 

our tadpole tank

what they looked like when we first got them

grew their front legs and started losing their tails

holding them before we took them to dads to release them in the pond

goodbye Tad and Poe :(


Dinner With Wolves And Floating Bridge Trail

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Watching the wolves eat and hiking the floating bridge trail at Bays Mountain , we love Bays Mtn. so much that we got a family membership this year . 

sometimes if your lucky you get to see the wolf pack eat a deer , they only give them one if they have one , we did get to see it once I got it on video , I may post it sometime .

Leah getting her little animals out of her bag she got at the gift shop

Job trying to climb a tree stump , if we didn't keep him on a leash , he would try to jump in the lake

Job is still talking about the big deer in the water

I bought Riley this hiking stick at the nature center