Wow I can't believe my baby is 15 years old today . Time goes by so fast , it's true what they say , little girls do grow up to be your best friends , because your my best friend . I am so proud of you , you try to win souls now and your having your own walk with GOD , I love your boldness and how you reprove people when it comes to GOD'S word , I love how you want to be a mother when you grow up and have as many kids as GOD wants to give you . You are growing up to be the kind of person I wanted you to be . I always hoped you wanted to grow up to be like me , but there are things about you that I would like to be more like you in some ways , you are such a beautiful person , I wish people could see how beautiful you are on the inside and not just on the outside .You truly are a blessing , I could not imagine being without you , just keep following Jesus . I love you mom!!!!!
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