Well just an update to let everyone know that I'm still here . I have been having contractions off and on for a while now , I am moving so slow lately . I get so emotional during my last trimester , I have been so stressed and short fused , I have even caught myself complaining lately which is not like me at all , I have been praying about this , and today was a lot better , I think just getting to go outside made me feel a lot better , GOD gave us a beautiful day today , I finally got fresh air . This winter has been so cold and snowy . Dallas has helped me out so much , I'm so glad that she has had a lot of snow days because I have needed her , today she cooked supper and baked a cake all on her own , she did a great job . Took the kids to the dentist the other day , Riley's teeth are great but Dallas has to have braces . I checked out a book on breast feeding at the library , It was helpful but not a lot of info on babies like Leah , so I called the health dept and talked with a really nice lady and she was kind enough to mail me a booklet which was very helpful , it seems that babies with cleft lips or palates need mothers milk more than ever because it keeps them from getting sick the first year and it can keep them from getting middle ear infections which they are prone to and it can keep them from getting an illness when they go into the hospital for surgery , also it may take a lot longer to get them to breast feed and you have to be patient , but there is a lot of different positions to try and hopefully I will get a good lactation specialist that will help me even after I leave the hospital . If for some reason she can't nurse I am still going to try to give her breast milk , sometimes they have to make them a special bottle . I don't know why I have waited so long to try to find a breast pump , it seems this pregnancy has gone by so fast , I'm behind on a lot of things . Also update on diapers , since the all in one diapers are so expensive in our country I ordered some from china off of eBay , they are called babyland and I did not research them until after I got them , but most people said that these diapers do not fit newborns and probably won't fit your baby for a while unless you have a big baby , and after they do fit they seem to have a problem with the sides coming out , which I think I could fix that with Velcro , which is what they should have done when they made them , but after researching all the diapers I had already decided to go with prefolds , but I will keep the all in one's for later . I really like prefolds from what I have learned , they are cheaper and you can afford them on any budget , and from what I have read if you do laundry everyday you can get by with 3 covers and 2 dozen prefolds per child . Another thing I like about prefolds , you can choose your size , I went with the Bummis super whisper wrap , they are very thin and not bulky and very tough . Just make sure when you buy your prefolds that you get diaper service quality , the prefolds at the dept. stores are to thin like Gerber brand , I ordered my DSQ prefolds from Zoolikins and I researched it and believe that they are the cheapest , you can also get your Snappies from them, and the Bummis covers are only 11 dollars for white and almost 13 for a design . I have been practicing putting the diapers on a teddy bear , I know it sounds silly but it's all I have right now . I tried to practice with the teddy bear on my moby to but gave up on that til later my stomach is just way to big for that now . I already have my bags packed , I've never had a baby to come early yet but you never know , Riley has had a cough lately , I gave her homemade cough syrup which helped her through the day but not at night , I don't understand why it won't go away during the night , sometimes it chokes her so bad I have to set her up and shake her arm and pat her back to get her to breath , it scares me , I hope it goes away soon , I gave Dallas a break and let her go to my mom and dads to spend the night . Well post more later .......GOD BLESS .
How exciting that Leah is almost here! When is she due? I have to say I love my prefolds and my Bummis covers. They have lasted through both of babies and are still going strong. Definitely worth the money. I'd love to hear how the all-in-ones work out for you.
Thanks for the update, hope things are good. I probably will never know how you feel, but I know the Lord will be with you through it all. :)
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